
Annual Derby Duck Race Follows Easter Egg Hunt at Splash!
La Mirada~Community groups and individuals are invited to participate in “Going Quackers for Kids”, a Derby Duck Race at SPLASH! Regional Aquatics center at the County Park in La Mirada on Saturday, April 19, 2014 following the City’s Easter Egg Hunt in the A.M.
Ducks can be “adopted” to race for a Grand Prize of $2500, a first Prize of $1000, 2nd & 3rd Prizes of $250 and many other great prizes! Individual adoptions include one duck for $5.00, 6 for $25, 10 for $100. Sponsorships for groups start at $250. All profits will be returned to the community for non-profit groups and service projects.
Detailed descriptions and contact information may be obtained at, and click on the Duck! Fun for the whole family!

It’s Time for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt
La Mirada~The City's annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held this Saturday, April 19, from 9 to 11 a.m. at La Mirada Regional Park.
Bring your family and enjoy games, crafts, music, bounce houses, a petting zoo, and an Easter Egg Hunt. Special photos with the Easter Bunny will be available for a nominal fee.
The Easter Egg Hunt for children ages 10 and under will begin promptly at 10:15 a.m. Hunt areas will be separated by age groups. Participants should arrive at their Egg Hunt area based on their age 15 minutes prior to the event.
Children and parents can enjoy a pancake breakfast at the Easter Egg Hunt hosted by La Mirada Kiwanis for a nominal fee. The Kiwanis Duck Derby will be held at Splash! following the event.
For additional information, call (562) 943-7277.

Local Resident Picked for U.S. Paralympic National Team
Buena Park~Local resident Shea Cassidy was recently selected to represent the United States on the U.S. Paralympic National Soccer Team.
The U.S. Paralympic Soccer Team is an elite level program that selects players from across the United States in preparation for International standard competition.
The 22-year old Shea has TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), and was only given a 5% chance of living after a skateboard accident a few years ago.
Not only did he obviously survive, he will now travel around the world to represent the United States.
To qualify to be on the team, players must have had a Stroke, have Cerebral Palsy or have had a Traumatic Brain Injury/Acquired Brain Injury.
Team USA trains at the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista and the StubHub Center in Carson.
In addition to friendly matches and invitational tournaments, the National Team competes in the following events: the Intercontinental Cup, Copa America, the World Championships, Parapan American Games and the Paralympic Games
The La Mirada Blog and the La Mirada Chamber of Commerce would like to congratulate Shea and the Cassidy family on this accomplishment and wish him the very best while he travels around the world representing the United States of America. Way to Go Shea!

City Receives Grant for Noise Study Along Railway Corridor
La Mirada~The City of La Mirada has received a $100,000 grant from the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) to conduct a noise study in residential neighborhoods along Stage Road located near a 1.8 mile segment of the BNSF Railway tracks.
At a recent board meeting, Metro approved the funding for the study. The funds will come from LA County’s 2008 Measure R..
The action was spurred by the organization of a group of residents, led by former Norwalk-La Mirada School Board Member Nancy Jenkins, who live in the Neff Park area that is adjacent to the railroad tracks.
It was reported first on this website in August of 2012.
The group had become growingly concerned about the increase in noise associated with the operations of BNSF Railway and its auxiliary tracks that run parallel to Stage Road.
On October 23, 2012 City Council received a petition with more than 700 signatures submitted by the group expressing their concerns with future and current impacts from the BNSF tracks located near their homes.

Planning Commission Delays Voting on Fate of Nostalgic Eatery
La Mirada~An overflow crowd of over 250 people-many wielding signs-showed up at the planning commission meeting last night to support The Carriage Coffee Shop and they left with a small victory, although it could just be a temporary reprieve.
After a public hearing, the commission voted 4-0 to delay the decision of granting McDonald’s a conditional use permit for a drive-through at a new restaurant to replace the 49-year old relic at 14871 Imperial Highway, while a preliminary traffic study is conducted.
Commissioner Keith Chung made the request after more than 30 residents and others spoke on behalf of The Carriage, with many of them concerned about increased traffic and potential problems associated with it.
Tab Johnson is partner and development manager for Rich Development Enterprises, LLC who are the owners of the Crossroads Center property where the Carriage is located, “This is a well thought out project. We are not generating any additional traffic,” he said.
Currently, the Carriage has a month-to-month lease agreement with the development company.
That fact that McDonald’s is requesting to construct a drive-through at its new 4,335 square foot restaurant is what the commission was considering along with a variance to allow a stand-alone sign, which is being requested by McDonald’s.
They weren’t deciding if a new McDonalds was going in, only deciding about the drive-through, which confused many in the audience and this reporter.
City Planner Gabriel Bautista tried to explain to the audience that this is a private deal involving private property. He explained that any restaurant can negotiate with the land owner and build there because that is what it is zoned for, as long as they meet city general plan and land usage requirements.
There is not a drive-through at the current establishment (The Carriage), thus creating the need for the hearing.

La Mirada Planning Commission May Decide Fate of The Carriage Coffee Shop
La Mirada~Protestors are expected to fill the council chambers as the planning commission will decide whether or not to grant a conditional use permit to McDonalds , paving the way for the restaurant goliath to replace one of La Mirada’s long standing businesses and landmarks-The Carriage Coffee Shop.
If granted, the permit would allow McDonalds to construct a drive–thru at the new restaurant.
The meeting will take place Thursday, March 20th beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The proposed action set off a firestorm in the community on our Facebook page since we broke the story on March 5th-generating over 120 comments so far from people weighing in.
Many residents say this is another example of small-town La Mirada disappearing, “We don't need another fast food restaurant, especially McDonalds. The Carriage is a city landmark and the only coffee shop in town. It has been a meeting place for La Mirada residents forever. We need more family restaurants in this town, not less, said Blog fan Barbara Hayes.
Still others like Blog fan Richard Marcher says it makes good economic sense for La Mirada, “It appears that McDonald's market research finds a high demand for their product. That is why they chose to invest in the community. Individually, you may not care for it, but collectively you do.”
The Carriage operates on a month to month lease and the owners of the property-Rich Development, LLC-have not returned our calls.
Although the tearing down of The Carriage would be a blow to nostalgia lovers, the city would stand to gain a substantial amount of monies in sales tax because of the higher volume and longer operating hours a McDonalds would bring to the table.

Low-Cost Vaccination and Microchip Clinic at Regional Park
La Mirada~The Society for California Veterinary Vaccine Care (SCVVC) will be providing low-cost pet vaccination and microchip clinics for cats and dogs at La Mirada Regional Park on Thursday, March 13.
Cats will be seen from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and dogs will be seen from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. All participants should be in line before 7:30 p.m.
Pet owners must be at least 18 years of age to participate and all pets must be on leashes or in carriers.
Only healthy and non-pregnant animals will be vaccinated and a License Renewal Notice or Prior Rabies Certificate is required in order to receive a three-year Rabies vaccine; otherwise the vaccine will be good for one year.
If possible, participants are encouraged to bring vaccine records. De-worming and flea control products will be available (price depends on pet's weight).
Be sure to notify the veterinarian prior to vaccinating if your pet has ever had a reaction to a vaccine, or if your pet has recently shown any sign of illness or could be pregnant.
CASH ONLY will be accepted for all veterinary services. Click HERE for a complete list of available vaccines and prices.
For more information, visit

La Mirada Cub Scout Pack Hosts Annual Dinner and Show
La Mirada~Over 200 guests attended the Blue and Gold Dinner hosted by La Mirada Cub Scout Pack 919 this past Friday at Community Presbyterian Church of La Mirada.
Every February, packs across America celebrate the “birthday” of Scouting and it is the highlight of the year, bringing families together for an evening of fun and cheer.
The theme for the La Mirada pack event this year was Star Wars and included a silent auction, a bbq dinner and a live auction along with plenty of kids’ activities.
An entertainment show entitled the “Star Wars Extravaganza” included a laser battle that wowed the crowd.
The event serves as a major fundraiser for the pack with all funds, “going back to the pack,” said Sandra Green who serves as the pack city liaison and also helps organizes various events.
Parent Kati Dominguez told us, “This is certainly our biggest event and everyone gets really excited We have some really awesome parents who really go all out, so it makes it really nice.”
Cub Scouting is a year-round, family-oriented part of the Boy Scouts of America program designed for boys for boys who are in first through fifth grades (or are 7, 8, 9, and 10 years of age promoting character development, good citizenship and personal achievement.
Cub Master Brandon VanScoy advised us the Scouts hand out flyers at local elementary schools every May and September in ”The Roundup” a program designed to inform the community about Scouting.
Anyone looking for more information about the La Mirada Cub Scout Pack including how to join may call (562) 310-3171 for more information.

Neighborhood Watch Meeting Scheduled for West La Mirada
A Neighborhood Watch meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 26th at 6 p.m. The meeting is for residents in Reporting District No. 0469. The meeting will be held at Foster Road Elementary School for residents who reside east of Marquardt Ave., south of Imperial Hwy., west of Valley View Ave., and north of Rosecrans Ave.
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Captain Curtis Jensen and the La Mirada Public Safety Team will address local crime issues and prevention tips.

La Mirada Bobby Sox Registration Still Open
La Mirada~La Mirada Bobby Sox is still accepting registrations for the upcoming 2014 season.
You can email for more information.
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